Alliance Laundry Systems LLC announced the acquisition of Raytheon Commercial Laundry (RCL), the commercial laundry equipment manufacturing business of Raytheon Co. He is now responsible for operations of the company. National Executive Housekeepers Association.

and its commercial laundry business to Alliance Laundry Systems (1998). Figuring that the best defense is a good offense, Raytheon is fortifying itself against US military spending cutbacks by acquiring other defense contractors. Alliance Laundry Completes Raytheon Buy For $358M

^ Raytheon in $358 million Deal to Sell Laundry Business.The Speed Queen Company (now Alliance Laundry Systems), Ripon's largest employer for much of its history, got its start in the back of a hardware store at 214 Watson Street owned by John Seelig, a former tombstone merchant, and Joe. A portrait of Ripon: historic photographs of Ripon, Wisconsin. ^ David Sakrison Harry Heileman (2000).^ "The Speed Queen Story - The History and The Present".Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Alliance Laundry Systems, the company makes commercial laundry equipment used in Iaundromats, multi-housing laundry facilities (apartments, dormitories, military bases), and on-premise laundries. Wash Alert (marketed by Alliance Laundry Systems for Speed Queen machines) is being used at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Ohio University, and Ball State University. Electronic commerce 2006: a managerial perspective. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. ^ Teaming for Efficiency: Energy and environmental policy.based manufacturer of Speed Queen laundry machines, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, has a 38 percent share of all relevant laundry equipment markets, and makes a mouthwatering 16 percent operating income margin. Established in the US in I908, Alliance Laundry Systems is today an alliance of brands including Speed Queen, Huebsch_ UniMac and Ajax and its products can be found in more than 100 countries. Alliance Laundry Systems 2014 Annual Report. ^ a b Archived at the Wayback Machine.Later in 2015, a majority stake was sold to BDT Capital Partners. In April 2015, it was reported that Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan was planning to sell Alliance Laundry or issue an IPO, valuing the business at $1.8 billion. In March 2014, the Alliance Laundry acquired Primus Laundry Equipment headquartered in Gullegem, Belgium for approx. In 2009, the Alliance Laundry Systems University (ALSU) was founded as a corporate university available online to authorized Alliance Laundry Systems distributors, route operators and customers. In January 2005, Teachers' Private Capital, the private equity affiliate of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan acquired the majority of the equity interests of Alliance Laundry for $450 million. And as a result, Alliance Laundry Systems was formed. In February 1998, private equity firm Bain Capital agreed to acquire the commercial laundry business from Raytheon for $358 million. In 1979, McGraw-Edison sold its appliance division to Raytheon Company.

Eventually Barlow & Seelig was renamed Speed Queen Company, and was later purchased by McGraw-Edison. The Speed Queen brand was created in 1928 with the introduction of stainless steel wash tubs in 1939 and automatic washers and dryers in 1952. The company's precursor Barlow & Seelig Manufacturing was established in 1908 and later introduced a hand-operated washer to the marketplace. However, Alliance claims Speed Queens founding date of 1908 as the beginning for the company. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Ripon, Wisconsin. Alliance Laundry Systems manufactures products under the brands Speed Queen, Primus, Huebsch, IPSO, and UniMac. Among the company’s products are washers, drying tumblers and ironers for the coin laundry, multi-housing laundries, institutional laundries and laundries for consumer residences. The company designs, manufactures, and markets a line of commercial laundry equipment under various brands in over 100 countries. Alliance Laundry Systems LLC is a provider of commercial laundry systems. Coin Laundry Association’s 22nd Industry Survey (Date Unknown). This is based on an average of thirty percent down payment required on total laundry store development costs for new laundry store transactions. Speed Queen Financial Services estimates this start-up cost range between $100,000 and $300,000. Speed Queen laundromat success rate is the number of NOT charged off loans per laundry divided by total numbers of loans originated from January 2001 through June 2013, based on experience of Speed Queen Financial Services.